Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Nine Heads

For my first fashion design art class, I was taught the nine heads approach. In normal anatomical drawing, the rule is, a body is eight heads tall. In fashion drawing, a body is nine heads tall. And add 3/4 for the feet and its ten heads. So, next time some one says, 'he/she looked at me as if I had ten heads', you may interpret that they thought you were very tall. Or does the saying go 'two heads'....??

As I'd already started to make my skirt, I decided to concentrate on the design of a shirt. I got my inspiration from a cape style 1950's new look Dior dress. The first design (below left) is adapted from this with a peplum end where the skirt was. I modified this design (see below right) using colour nearest to fabric I already have.

However, the construction of the sleeves would use up too much fabric in the second design so I modified the idea one more time to make the construction easier. The chiffon sleeves are still present, but the upper chest areas is less exposed, making it more suitable for day time wear. I think I'll go with this idea.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone talks about what school to choose, if it's better studying abroad, academy or university. But no one tells you how you will come out (alive) of this experience.

    Drawing For Fashion Design
